These OKRs are for in fiscal year 2021, which runs from to . This is the first quarter we are using the new February-through-January fiscal year.
- CEO: Grow ARR consistently
- CEO: Aspirational, efficient all-remote team
- Roles and responsibilities are documented and maintained in handbook => Not yet
- Team members rely on the handbook for cross-functional info and processes => Handbook is not yet updated by all functions
- The handbook is fast to browse and search => Yes
Sales and marketing
- Sales (Closing Deals): $L new IARR (per plan)
- Close at least 2 Tier 1 deals and get at least 10 new logos (new deals)
- Get 70% of companies on a free trial to convert to paid customers.
- Sales (Pipeline Optimization): Hire at least 2 SDRs and 3 AEs (at least 1 Enterprise AE)
- Begin dedicated outbound efforts by identifying the outbound criteria (both ICP and potential triggering events), at least 10 accounts that match it, and at least 2 touch points for each of those accounts
- Sales (Playbook): Work with marketing to identify/create key materials needed to move deals forward
- Be able to present to prospects compelling value of Sourcegraph
- Customer Engineering: Build a Customer Engineering organization that drives higher and faster user engagement.
- VP Marketing: Deliver sufficient MQLs to sales to reach $L new IARR goal.
- Deliver P MQLs to sales (a 28% increase from CY19-). => Not on track. MQL generation barely above last quarter
- Start developer ad programs with 3 leading dev media sites and SEM programs with an outside agency. => Done
- Execute the initial version of three major marketing functions: a sponsored booth (at GitLab Commit), a webinar, and an eBook. => Done
- VP Marketing: Launch our new category on March 4. ==> Done
- Conduct research and deliver initial decision presentation to the executive team by end of January =>. Done
- Develop at least 12 content pieces explaining the new category by March => Done
- Have the press publish at least 3 articles explaining the category by end of March => Done
- VP Marketing: Demonstrate leadership in our category. ==> Will happen by end of
- Agree on a plan for what we do with sourcegraph.com going forward. ==> Not Done
- Choose a metric with which we can compare ourselves to other options ==> Done
- Have at least one press asset document our statistic by March 2020. ==> Done
- Product: Create a customer driven product process
- All product engineering work has a delivery plan (where “delivery plan” links to a new handbook page that defines it, based on RFC 97). => customer repository. We learned that not all engineering efforts require a delivery plan, and that it is specifically customer facing projects that need it. It’s important that this is a cross-functional effort, so that all functions contribute to executing the delivery plan. These are more successful when a clear owner is identified to drive the process forward.
- Handbook describes the lifecycle of a feature and who is responsible for each part of the lifecycle. => Prioritizing issues.
- Handbook describes product planning processes and API between product and engineering. => Planning.
- Product: Build the product and design team to support engineering and ARR growth
- Hire +1 Product Designer. => +2-1 designers , (tehnically in , from effort)
- Hire +1 Product Manager. => +0 Job req still open.
VP Eng
- Build a world class engineering team.
- Grow team to plan (+1 code intel, +2 distribution, +2 web, +1 core services). => +1-1 code intel, +2 distribution, +1 web, +2-1 core services
- Transition an existing teammate to be (or hire) an Engineering Manager of the distribution team. => Beyang managing distribution team, started hiring pipeline for manager.
- Document how we do performance reviews and determine compensation for teammates in engineering roles. => Reviews, compensation, updated offer bands.
- Identify long term owners for new engineering functions
- Hire someone to own security now and who has the potential to lead a team in the future. => Posted job description, hiring deprioritized in .
- Hire someone to own internal developer productivity now and who has the potential to lead a team in the future. => Drafted job description, hiring deprioritized due to growth and change of focus on distribution team.
- Create a data driven planning process.
- Each team commits to a written work plan for each release cycle. => All eng teams have now adopted automated tracking issue tool.
- Each team completes >80% of the work that they committed to at the beginning of the release cycle each iteration. => For teams that have used the automated tracking issue tool multiple months, they have accomplished >80% of the listed work on the monthly tracking issue.
- Resolve issues for major customers
- Ensure that no technical issue blocks a deal for any tier 1 or tier 2 customer. => 100%: We have not yet lost a deal due to a technical blocker that fell under the purview of Distribution.
- Improve developer productivity
- Automate away release captain role and adopt continuous releases (no human in loop required by default). => 20%: We have reduced the end-of-cycle release time from 5 days to 3 days. However, the release captain role remains necessary and we have not adopted continuous releases.
- Improve installation and site admin onboarding process
- Track time to important admin setup milestones (i.e. instance started, admin account created, >1 repositories added) are tracked in pings. => 0%: We do not yet have tracking for these milestones.
- Make at least one improvement that decreases overall time from instance installation to completion of site admin setup. => 100%: We simplified the setup of external services and eliminated one step from the site admin setup process.
Code intelligence
LSIF is adopted by customers
- At least three customers have > 50% of code intel queries powered by LSIF (excluding fallback references). => Tracking implemented in 3.13, data cleanup needed before analyzing, currently focused on getting LSIF adopted in targeted open source projects before pursuing individual customers.
- At least one customer has > 90% of code intel queries powered by LSIF (excluding fallback references). => Same result of previous KR.
- 99th percentile end-to-end latency of hover tooltips, go to definition, and find references is tracked in pings and under 2 seconds. These metrics are inclusive of all of these user actions, regardless of how code intelligence is implemented. => Pings are implemented, and dashboard shows that all companies that have adopted LSIF fall far below our 2 second goal.
Increase user confidence in code intelligence provided by LSIF
- Code intelligence UI (tooltips, references panel, etc.) indicates whether or not results are precise. => Implemented in the extension host and the code intelligence extensions.
- Make use of LSIF data when the current line is not part of the diff since the last LSIF upload. => Implemented in the code intel GraphQL resolvers.
- Fall back to fuzzy if the file has been modified since the last LSIF upload. => Implemented as a consequence of key result #2.
- Make users aware of advanced search features
- Interactive search is available to all users by default (not feature-flagged) => Interactive mode has been available by default since 3.13.
- Smart search is available to all users by default (not feature-flagged) => Functionality is still hidden behind a feature flag.
- Enable data driven product development
- Identify and start addressing pain points in our onboarding
- Run 5 user tests to gather feedback on our user onboarding => 3 user tests conducted (see design execution: onboarding).
- Improve in-app documentation for site admin onboarding steps => Released in 3.15 (#9628).
Core services
Increase adoption of search at customers
- Write at least 2 pieces of technical documentation (docs, walkthroughs, blog posts) about search functionality. => (i) Structural search blog post (ii) Revamped search syntax docs (iii) Added basic operator syntax docs.
- 99th percentile of time to first result is below 3s across all search types. => Added latency to track all search types via pings as of 3.14.
- At least four customers are running structural searches and metrics to validate this KR are tracked in pings. => Usage at existing and prospective customers confirmed.
- At least four customers are running AND/OR/NOT queries. => Validated customer need and use cases. AND/OR operators are feature flagged as of 3.15, thus usage tracking is limited.
- Metrics to validate four customers are running AND/OR/NOT queries are tracked in pings. => AND/OR/NOT queries are not tracked in pings yet.
Transparent and scalable code-host permissions syncing
- 95th percentile latency of authorization on the read path (i.e.
) is below 10ms. => Prometheus metrics in place, not able to add to ping because of technical difficulties. Instead, will add alerts to Grafana. - Admins can force the refresh of permissions of individual users. => Reached agreement on UI/UX design, actual work is on-going.
- Admins can see the progress of permissions syncing in the admin UI. => Grafana dashboard in place, missing progress information in the status indicator bar.
- Admins can see when a repository or user’s permissions were last updated and when they are scheduled to be updated again. => Added UI in repository settings page, work for adding the same UI in user settings page is on-going.
- 95th percentile latency of authorization on the read path (i.e.
This OKR is a joint effort between web and core services.
- Campaigns are polished and adopted by customers
- Document campaigns and write a blog post about it. => Documentation has been greatly improved (see documentation here. No blog post.
- Campaigns are enabled by default and not behind a feature flag. => Campaigns menu item is visible on all instances, leads to splash page on sourcegraph.com, but actual functionality is still hidden behind a feature flag.
- Run 3 user tests with Sourcegraph colleagues, collect issues and fix them. => Ran 3+ tests (Farhan, Joe, Ryan B., Erik), collected a lot of issues and fixed most of them.
- 3 different customers have together run at least 10 campaigns. => 4 customers with 122 campaigns.
- Business: Make Sourcegraph a lean organization that uses data and budgets to guide decision making.
- Provide a board-approved budget (including spending and hiring plans) to each department head. => Preliminary hiring and spend plan is done, but remains flexible in the face of COVID-19-related turbulence this year.
- Provide dashboards to each department head that are used on at least a weekly basis (prioritizing sales, marketing, and customer success). => Done for Marketing (created, and used on a weekly basis), created for Sales, draft for CE.
People Ops
People Ops: Build a consistent hiring process that supports candidates, interviewers, and hiring managers.
- A scheduling coordinator is brought on to take over scheduling and candidate interfacing. ==> Done, scheduling coordinator started March 18.
- Each open role has its own customized hiring flow, clearly assigns owners to each stage, and is fully documented in our interview repository. ==> In progress as of March 18.
- Our interview repository documents interviewing best practices for all roles and instructions for interviewers. ==> Not done.
People Ops: Build an onboarding process that sets teammates up for success in a global, all-remote environment.
- Each team has its own customized onboarding process, specific to the roles’ functions. ==> Not done.
- Our handbook describes updated, all-remote policies and offers resources for newly remote teammates, internationally based teammates, etc. ==> Not done.
People Ops: Create an inclusive people-ops operating system.
- The structure and setup for contracting and cross border payments is documented. ==> In progress.
- Providing benefits to all teammates (regardless of location) is researched and implemented if available on a global scale. ==> In progress.
- There is a documented process for teammates to raise questions or concerns and get answers. == > Not done.