Managing CS-GKE Kubernetes Instance
Our Kubernetes(K8s) test instance is hosted on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) . The instance was setup following the instructions found on To manage cloud resources and networking you must have access to Sourcegraph Google Cloud.
You can access the instance by visiting (note that the URL reflects the old title we used on the team)
Local Configuration
WARNING: You are encouraged to use the GKE UI to acccess logs if you are not familiar with Kubernetes and Kubectl. Please see here for the URL to access logs.
To access the CS-GKE instance and run Kubernetes commands locally, you’ll need to do the following:
- Before you begin, please make sure you have gcloud command-line tool and kubectl command-line tool installed on your local machine.
- Make sure you are authenticated with the Google Cloud SDK. One option is in your terminal run
gcloud auth login
. That should bring up a browser window to authenticate your work email. - Generate a kubeconfig entry by running the following command:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials beatrix-test --zone us-central1-c --project beatrix-test-overlay
- Make sure you can access your cluster with kubectl by running the following command:
kubectl config view
- You should now have access to the CS-GKE instance and run Kubernetes commands locally via kubectl.
WARNING: All your kubectl commands from now on are connected to the CS-GKE Kubernetes Instance.
Upgrading CS-GKE Kubernetes Instance
We are currently deployed using this deploy-sourcegraph-cse-k8s repository. To upgrade the instance:
- Clone the deploy-sourcegraph-cse-k8s repository to your local machine.
into the newly cloned directory.- Make sure you are on the main branch:
git checkout master
- Get the latest version of Sourcegraph from the upstream by running
git fetch upstream
- Merge the latest update from upstream to the release branch:
git checkout release
- Choose which version you want to deploy from the Sourcegraph release page then run:
git merge $NEW_VERSION
. - After merging, you’re likely to encounter some merge conflicts. Please resolve them(most of them require clicking on
Accept Incoming Change
- if you’re using MS Studio as your code editor. - You can then add and commit the changes by running
git add .
followed bygit commit -m "$YOUR_COMMIT_MESSAGE"
- You can confirm if the merge was successful, if it was, then run
./ namespaced generated-cluster
, followed bykubectl apply -n ns-sourcegraph --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive
. - Check the status of the pods to confirm that everything is running properly by executing
kubectl get pods -n ns-sourcegraph
. - Confirm the new version here
- Please don’t forget to
git push
to our repo to give folks a head up that you made the upgrade!
Video on how upgrading the instance looks like: