Demo day
Directly following Company Meeting once a month, Product and Engineering team members present the latest features and improvements to Sourcegraph.
Demos should be short and easy to prepare for, so that as many team members as possible are able to participate. Demos are recorded for folks across the company, customers, and future team members to reference.
All demos are:
- Features, changes, small bug fixes, or behind the scenes engineering work from the last month that are merged into main and are live (i.e. on Sourcegraph Cloud or
- Presented (ideally) by one of the teammates who built it.
- Limited to 3 minutes (or less).
- Can be recorded ahead of time and will be played for attendees (optional).
We are here to help and support you as you prepare for your demo. Kylie or your team’s PM will work with you to make sure that you can articulate in the simplest way possible why this new feature is awesome for our community and customers.
1. Intro: Your name and team
Hi, my name is <name>, and I’m on the <your team> team. Today I’m presenting <name of your change>.
2. What/why: What problem does this change solve? For who? Why did we build it?
We built this because <reason>.
Previously, <how it was before>, and now <why it’s way better>.
3. Describe: the change, how it works, and demo
Here it is in action. <show demo and briefly explain>
Tips for presenting
- Turn on do not disturb and/or Slack notifications off
- Only show 1 tab in 1 window (if possible)
- (If you want to record—here’s some helpful tips of how to use Loom)
Here are some examples of great demos previously shared:
- A demo video about Demo day with Christina Forney
- OpenGraph link previews with Rok Novosel
- Merge feature (bulk uploads) with Erik Seliger
- API docs page/updates with Stephen Gutenkast
How to get scheduled
When your team ships something that would make a great demo, mention @demoday-schedule in your #progress post, or send a short message to #demoday and you’ll be added to the schedule. Kylie will reach out in advance to plan prep time.
We will keep track of and will organize the schedule in this demo day schedule.