Technical Writer interview process

  1. Candidate applies.
  2. [30 min] Initial screen: We chat with you about Sourcegraph and to find out what you are looking for in your next role.
  3. [1 hr] Writing portfolio review: We go over your experience and samples in-depth.
  4. [1 hr] Collaboration exercise: We simulate a real-life issue with a member of our engineering team to see how you collaborate on writing projects.
  5. [45 min] HM screen with Christina Forney, VP Product
  6. [30 min] Beyang Liu (CTO)
  7. We make you a job offer.
  8. We check your references during your first week to find out what motivates you and how best to work with you.

We want to ensure Sourcegraph is an environment that suits your working style and empowers you to do your best work, so we are eager to answer any questions that you have about us at any point in the interview process.

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