Sourcegraph Cloudflare monitoring developer guide
This document gives a quick overview of how to access Cloudflare analytics, and how to interface with their GraphQL API. Note that in most cases, you’ll be able to get much richer metrics by accessing our existing monitoring dashboards on our own internal monitoring.
Cloudflare Analytics provides a somewhat limited API for retrieving monitoring data. Note that you can only retrieve relatively recent data, and have a limited number of operations.
Cloudflare recommends using GraphiQL, a lightweight electron app, to interface with their API due to its relative ease of use. Configuration instructions are here. The auth key and email can be found here. The tool also helps enumerate the available parameters, and is quite useful for exploring the API.
Available data
The Cloudflare API mainly contains network layer information about communications to and from the service. The entire list of datasets is enumerated here. For an example, the number of requests and page views per minute, along with the number of unique accessors can be found with the following query. Note that the results are ordered by datetimeMinute_ASC
, since the default response ordering does not rely on time.
viewer {
zones(filter: {zoneTag: [ZONE_TAG]}) {
httpRequests1mGroups(limit: 10000, filter: {datetime_gt: "", datetime_lt: ""}, orderBy: [datetimeMinute_ASC]) {
sum {
uniq {
dimensions {