
An incident is any unplanned event that causes a service disruption. Identifying and resolving incidents helps us improve: we’ll make Sourcegraph a higher quality product, we’ll improve the processes that lead to or around the incident, and we’ll reduce friction around identifying incidents in the future.

Some examples of incidents:

  • is down or a critical feature is broken (e.g. sign-in, search, code intel).
  • If is down for more than 5 minutes, a critical feature is down for more than 5 minutes, or we’re aware of a service degradation issue that >5 users have reported. If you’re unsure if the incident’s impact qualifies, ask @cs in Slack for advice.
  • We have an issue (per our standard SLA definition) that impacts all/many self-hosted instances, all/many managed instances, or all/many Cloud/SaaS users
  • There is a security issue with Sourcegraph (and if so, please also follow our security disclosure process).
  • A Sourcegraph team member feels like an incident might be present, but isn’t certain or isn’t able to confirm on their own.
  • We need to do critical proactive 1-to-many communication to all self-hosted customers (for example, making them aware of something they need to do in a certain upgrade like the prep needed before upgrading to 3.31) – over time, as we do more of this, we will likely create a separate process for this

Additionally, on big announcement days (funding, product launch, campaign launch, etc.), all incidents warrant more immediate attention from marketing so we can hold off on planned activities/be prepared to respond to issues. On these days, the person in marketing leading the announcement is responsible for looping #customer-support and engineering/product in ahead of time to ensure they are aware of planned activities. The person leading the announcement will work with #customer-support on the ad-hoc plan for incidents (which may involve on-call rotation).

All incidents are announced in the #incidents channel automatically through, and past incidents are available in the dashboard and our past incident postmortems.



Incidents can be identified by anyone (e.g. customers, Sourcegraph teammates) via

Even incidents that might turn out to be false positives should be reported, to ensure that they are responded to and investigated with the same rigor as any incident, and that any lessons can be learnt.

The first Sourcegraph teammate (regardless of their role) that becomes aware of an incident, or suspects there may be an incident, is responsible for taking the following actions:

  1. If the incident was reported by someone outside of Sourcegraph, acknowledge that the incident is being handled.
  2. Start a new incident with the Slack bot: /incident
    • set the description and severity from the modal in Slack
    • this will create a new chatroom in Slack where all other communication should occur
  3. If you are not a member of product, engineering, or customer support, type the following into the Slack channel to page someone who can complete the rest of this list (otherwise proceed to the next step): /genie alert we have an incident, please help for customer-support
  4. Identify folks to serve in the following roles (see how to identify folks to serve in incident lead and messenger roles
  5. Stay involved to help, or thank the incident lead and messenger and leave them to it

Severity levels

We currently have 2 severity levels for incidents that require this workflow and both of these levels are considered a severity 1 per our contractual SLAs, we just break them down a bit more for internal delineation:

  1. Critical - Issues causing very high impact to customers. Immediate response is required. Examples include a full outage, or a data breach.
  2. Major - Issues causing significant impact. Immediate response is usually required. We might have some workarounds that mitigate the impact on customers. Examples include an important sub-system failing.

Severity level 2 issues our contractual SLAs (aka, minor issues) should not use this workflow (these go through the usual support/feedback processes.

False positives

Every incident is an opportunity for us to make Sourcegraph a higher quality product and to improve the processes that lead to or around an incident. Even if an incident turns out to be a false positive, we value that it was identified.

Incident roles and responsibilities

Incidents always have an incident lead, and for customer-impact incidents, may also have a messenger.

Incident lead

The incident lead is responsible for resolving the incident as quickly and safely as possible. They are the DRI coordinating the incident, tasked with driving it to resolution and keeping others informed (if it’s a non-customer-impact issue) or coordinating with the messenger on communication (for customer-impact issues).

Typically an incident lead is on the engineering team and may, if appropriate, be the same person who identified and raised the incident. If not, and an engineer hops in, great. Otherwise, loop in the on-call engineer. You can find out who is on-call by typing /genie whoisoncall in Slack. If you are not able to immediately get in contact with the on-call engineer, then manually create a new OpsGenie alert by typing /genie alert <description of incident and link to Slack thread> for [@team or user email]. For example:

  • /genie alert is down for delivery team
  • /genie alert We need your help with the production incident for

The incident lead should follow these steps:

  1. Assign the Incident Lead in the incident chatroom with /incident lead @engineer
  2. Thank the person who identified the incident.
  3. Acknowledge ownership of the incident in the relevant incident chatroom (i.e. “I’m on it”).
  4. Communicate intended next steps (e.g. “I plan to…”) and keep the incident status and summary up to date (e.g. “We tried … which resulted in …”) in the incident chat room.
  5. Attempt to resolve the incident by rolling back to a known good state instead of trying to identify and fix the exact issue—refer to playbooks for specific scenarios. Communicate your intentions in the incident chatroom.
  6. If rolling back and or reverting commits doesn’t resolve the incident, then identify the most logical resolution owner given what you know (this may be yourself) and have that person acknowledge ownership in the incident chatroom (i.e. “I’m on it”).
    • The person who has made recent changes to the affected product/code/system.
    • The person who owns the affected product/code/system.
    • The on-call engineer.

The incident lead may delegate tasks to other available/working engineers if necessary but should make a best effort to minimize the number of other engineers who get interrupted by the incident. This delegated work takes priority over work unrelated to operational incidents.

If it’s a security related issue, it’s best to also loop in the security team.


The messenger is only needed for incidents with customer-facing impact. The messenger is almost always a member of customer support or engineering (someone who is not in the role of incident lead).

If an incident has customer impact, all you have to do is engage #customer-support and customer support will facilitate the entire communication process so you can focus on solving the issue. Support is also in OpsGenie and can be engaged the same way as engineering with /genie whoisoncall and /genie alert <description of incident and link to Slack thread> for [@team or user email]. If ever there is a question about whether a messenger is useful for an incident, just post in #customer-support and the support team can help think through it and determine best next steps.

If a messenger is decided, assign the messenger in the incident chatroom with /incident messenger @person

The messenger should witness the incident lead work (in the dedicated Slack channel and/or on any huddle calls) and (with minimal progress-interrupting questions) translates what they witness to:

  • Status page updates for customers which is updated via Slack commands (/incident statuspage) and following these best practices:

    • Be sure posts do not orient toward any specific region and remain relevant to a global population (for example, use UTC timezone and don’t say things like “this morning,” etc)

    • Be succinct and informative

    • First post should be a report of awareness of the incident and mention to email if there are questions. For example:

      Identified: We are aware there is an issue with ___. We are investigating a resolution. If you have any questions, email

    • Next post(s) can be updates. These are best offered at least every 30 minutes. For example:

      Investigating: We are continuing to investigate a resolution. We want to resolve this as quickly as possible!

    • When the issue is resolved, post a “resolved” status. If customers are required to follow any guidance, consider including it here or link to where it can be found. For example:

      Resolved: We have resolved the issue and will conduct a postmortem to see how we can learn and grow. If you would like to know more, please email

  • Direct message updates/responses to customers (if relevant) in #support- or #trial- customer Slack channels or Zendesk email tickets

  • Draft suggested social media posts (at marketing’s request; marketing will revise to match Sourcegraph tone, etc)

  • Internal updates in the dedicated Slack channel by keeping the status up to date. All teammates joining the chat room will get the current status provided by At any time, a user in the chat room can see the current status using this slack command: /incident recap.

  • Posts in #customer-support, #ce, #sales to ensure key customer-facing roles impacted by incidents are easily informed and folks can join the incident channel for more information

  • Posts in #marketing for all customer-impact incidents and tag @marketing-incident. This will give marketing visibility into all issues and the team can determine how to respond/what action is necessary. It’s okay that they don’t respond right away – most incidents do not require that of our marketing teammates.

  • Posts in #general if the issue is severe enough it’s better to err on broader internal communicationIn some cases, an issue is so severe we need to do executive level communication.

  • In these cases, the messenger loops in a member of @cs-leadership who will help by handling this. The messenger reminds them to include all department heads and for marketing to also include our director of global communication in addition to the head of marketing).

  • For security related issues they also follow our security disclosure process


See playbooks.

Some common scenarios:


After the incident is resolved, the incident lead:

  1. Update the incident status and close.
  2. Confirms that the messenger updated any customer communication channels, internal threads, or channels (outside of the incident channel) and social media posts (with marketing’s approval and if necessary) with the latest information.
  3. Update and close and relevant public GitHub issues.
  4. Generate a postmortem, documents details and publish it in the Incidents folder in Google Drive.
  5. Create GitHub issues for any appropriate followup work.
  6. Schedule a retrospective if you think it would be valuable.
  7. Archive the incident channel.

Past incident post-mortems