Paying bills


Generally, you should feel free to spend in ways that are in the best interest of the business (see our philosophy in spending company money).

Specific categories of purchases that are listed on the spending company money page (e.g. laptops, home office setup, etc.) do not need to follow the approval process below. They are pre-approved and can be submitted for reimbursement directly.

However, if you intend to make any other purchase that falls above the limits below, please refer to our Company accounts payable policy.

Amount (Annual Equivalent)Approval RequiredRecommend Method of Payment
$0–$1,000Does not require specific approvalExpensify / / Brex /
$1,000–$10,000Needs to be approved by a director or above of your departmentBrex / via Sourcegraph AP team
$10,000 or greaterNeeds to be approved by a director or above of your department and via Sourcegraph AP Team
$50,000 or greaterNeeds to be approved by a director or above of your department, Finance, and the VP of via Sourcegraph AP Team

Corporate credit cards

Managers and above are eligible to receive corporate credit cards for team purchases. We use Brex, which allows you to receive a physical card, or to use a virtual card if desired.

Just contact the finance team if you believe you are eligible for one and would like to have one. By default, the following monthly limits apply, but they can be raised if requested.

RoleDefault monthly credit limit
Department leads (VP-level or above)$10,000
Managers and Directors$1,000
Analyst and Senior Analyst (with approval)$500

For corporate purchases on Brex cards (i.e. vendor payments) above $150, please provide receipts. For purchase of personal purchases above $50, (i.e. laptops, food, travel expenses), please upload a receipt. Here is guidance for the receipt upload process.

If you have a purchase that you’d like to explain/clarify post about it in the #finance Slack channel (e.g. if it’s some new system for the team) or email (e.g. if it’s a personal reimbursable expense).

Getting invoices paid

If you intend to make a purchase that will be paid by invoice (e.g., if it’s too large to pay by credit card), send it to with the vendor’s W-9 (if a new vendor). It is the responsibility of the purchaser to obtain the vendor W-9. Invoices will not be paid without this.

The finance & accounting team will ask any questions as needed, and submit it for payment.